Vineyard Wind 1 Fisheries Compensatory Mitigation Program

Ensuring Fair and Equitable Compensation for Commercial Fishermen

Vineyard Wind 1 Fisheries Compensatory Mitigation Program

The Vineyard Wind 1 fisheries compensatory mitigation program was created to provide fair, equitable compensation to commercial fishing vessels/operators for economic losses attributable to Vineyard Wind 1’s construction, operations, and decommissioning activities. Compensation may also be available to shoreside businesses in Massachusetts and Rhode Island.

To receive compensation, commercial fishing vessel owners/operators must first qualify for the program during a 90-day eligibility period. Annual compensation payments will begin to be issued to eligible applicants after they qualify. A separate eligibility period will be available for shoreside businesses in Massachusetts and Rhode Island once the eligibility period for commercial fishing vessel owners/operators closes. Potentially eligible shoreside businesses in Massachusetts and Rhode Island will be contacted by the program’s third-party administrator and invited to apply for the program.

Application is Closed
Deadline for application

New Deadline for
applications is
June 17, 2024

Do I qualify?


To qualify for the Vineyard Wind 1 fisheries compensatory mitigation program, applicants must apply during the eligibility period and demonstrate that they:

  • are a commercial fishing vessel owner/operator homeported in Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, or Rhode Island.
  • have a 2023 commercial fishing permit from NOAA Fisheries.
  • have a valid government-issued vessel registration that shows vessel ownership, or a vessel lease agreement.
  • fished in the Vineyard Wind 1 lease area, OCS-A 0501, for at least three years between 2016 and 2022.
  • have annual revenue from fishing activities for the corresponding three years between 2016 and 2022.

This portion of the program is only open to shoreside businesses in Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Eligibility criteria, application requirements, and deadlines will be available at a later date.


Application Process and Eligibility Determination

The application, review, and payment process for commercial fishing vessel owners/operators can be completed in as few as five steps and starts with the submission of an online application.

Application Process and Eligibility Determination

Application Process and Eligibility Determination for Commercial Fishing Vessel Owners/Operators

Step 1

Complete and submit an online application during the eligibility period, which runs from March 4, 2024 to June 17, 2024.

The eligibility period is the only time that commercial fishing vessel owner/operator applications will be accepted. Applications submitted outside of the eligibility period will not be considered and applicants will not have another opportunity to qualify for the program.

Step 2

Once received, applications will be reviewed for completeness. This process may take up to 30 days.

Written notification (e.g., email or letter) of incomplete applications will be provided, and applicants will be provided with an opportunity to correct any deficiencies. If an applicant fails to respond within an appropriate timeframe, the application will be withdrawn, and the applicant will need to start the application process over.

Step 3

After an application is deemed complete, it will be reviewed to determine program eligibility. Applicants will receive a written notification (e.g., email or letter) of the decision regarding program eligibility. This process may take up to 30 days.

Step 4

After the eligibility period closes, eligible applicants will be informed of their expedited annual compensation payment amount, and how this amount was calculated. Eligible applicants can choose to accept this expedited annual compensation payment amount or elect to complete an individual claims review process, which may result in a higher annual compensation payment amount.

Step 5

Eligible applicants who accept the expedited annual compensation payment amount included in their eligibility determination notification will be issued their first expedited annual compensation payment. Applicants deemed ineligible for the program may request in writing the opportunity to mediate or pursue a dispute regarding an eligibility determination.

Step 6

Eligible applicants who elect to complete an individual claims process will be required to submit a new online application and/or additional documentation that demonstrates a higher revenue dependence on the Vineyard Wind 1 lease area, OCS-A 0501, than what was assumed to determine their expedited annual compensation payment amount. Once received, applications and/or additional documentation will be reviewed for completeness. This process may take up to 30 days.

If an application is incomplete, an applicant will receive a written notification (e.g., email or letter) of any identified deficiencies. Written notification of incomplete applications will be provided, and applicants will be provided an opportunity to correct any deficiencies. If an applicant fails to respond within an appropriate timeframe, the application will be withdrawn, and the applicant will need to start the individual claims application process over.

Step 7

After an application is deemed complete, it will be reviewed to determine if the applicant is eligible for a higher annual compensation payment amount. This process may take up to 30 days.

Step 8

Applicants will receive written notification (e.g., email or letter) of whether they are eligible to receive a higher annual compensation payment amount. Applicants deemed ineligible for a higher annual compensation payment amount may request in writing the opportunity to mediate or pursue a dispute regarding a payment amount determination.

Step 9

Applicants who are deemed eligible for a higher annual compensation payment will be issued their first higher annual compensation payment. Applicants who are not deemed eligible to receive a higher annual compensation payment amount will be issued their first expedited annual compensation payment.

What you’ll need

Before starting your application, gather the following REQUIRED information and documents

View Detailed Requirements

Start The Application

Gathered all your required documents? If yes, begin your application now!

Frequently Asked Questions